What does gynaecology refer to?
Gynaecology is the medical specialty focusing on women specific health issues, especially reproductive and urological organs.
Our gynaecologists can assist you with a wide range of women’s health, including:
Abnormal cervical screening tests and Colposcopy
Early pregnancy care
Menstrual problems
Pelvic pain
Menopause and HRT
Urinary incontinence and prolapse
Pre-cancer and cancers of the reproductive tract
Our specialist gynaecologists offer both medical and surgical treatments. We aim to deliver comprehensive, high quality care using the latest evidence-based medicine.
ROBOTIC SURGERY - da Vinci®: "An Almost Scarless Procedure"
One of the most important things to do before your hysterectomy is to learn about the types of surgeries available today. Having become the first robotic surgically trained gynaecologist in North Queensland, Dr Elizabeth Jackson is proud to offer her patients surgery choice, including via da Vinci "robotic" Surgeries. From da Vinci:
"Patients see almost scarless results and early clinical data suggests the da Vinci Hysterectomy offers the following potential benefits:
Low blood loss
Low rate of complications
Low chance of a blood transfusion
Low chance of surgeon switching to open surgery
Short hospital stay
Low level of post-operative pain
The da Vinci System has brought minimally invasive surgery to more than 3 million patients worldwide."
To read more about this technique, visit da Vinci's website, where you can read articles in the Cairns Post or Dr Elizabeth Jackson's Channel 7 video interview.